Hello, I'm called Battlefool aka Andreas. I was a student at a game design course in Malmö and I like games and game development in general. I have a genuine interest in how games are made and what kind of disciplines and skill sets exist.
One of my main interests is playing games and understanding what kind of design choices one makes and try to figure out why and so forth.
I also like game culture and it is currently what I actively do in my spare time. More specifically, I help run a game association/club in Malmö with likeminded friends for a genre of games called fighting games. Which we are trying to grow the interest for and host events and tournaments for it in our region.
I have also worked as a volonteer for the biggest fighting game event in Malmö called Headstomper. As a volonteer, I helped run a tournament bracket for a game and with the rigging of the event. Which was a wonderful experience and I got to know more about the community.
I am currently trying to find something interesting to work or with in the game industry and game culture.